Relationship Deal Breakers

What is a deal breaker? A deal breaker is a list of disqualifications in a partner.

On the Mario J. Zappia Attorney at Law Facebook page last week, we talked about infidelity and it’s status as a deal breaker. While some people are able to write off infidelity, most agreed that infidelity is a deal breaker.

What are some other common relationship deal breakers?

  • differing values
  • imbalanced sex drive
  • lack of agreement in having children
  • untrustworthy
  • drug/alcohol problem
  • anger problem/abusive

While it’s true that this list is subjective, as humans we are designed to weed out partners that could be deemed as unsafe. We find safety in going with a partner who has the fewest negative traits.

Studies also show that even people with some fairly optimal traits (good looks, intelligence) can have trouble maintaining relationships because their good traits are heavily eclipsed by their bad traits (impulsivity, lack of ambition)

What are some of your relationship deal breakers?

Answer in the comments below or on the Mario J. Zappia, Attorney at Law Facebook page.